Friday, October 10, 2008

Cobra commanding.

dude, not being at work is awesome. It's tempered slightly by the fact that I have a whole different job to do tonight. I walked my baby to his daycare and it's one of those days where it's kind of cold, but you sweat anyway, because even your light jacket is a little too hot, but your skin's kind of chilly so you don't realize you're overheating...anyway, I got to the daycare and I was sweating like a junkie. Embarrassing. Okay, so I'm getting ready to walk my dogs and head to the House of Blues for our show. Our shit is on a truck and isn't really supposed to get delivered to our guitar player's mom's house until after we go on stage, so it's now up to our guitar player to hunt the truck down, 'most dangerous game' style, and get that shit. Our drummer and sound guy are loading up our gear, and I'm about to be walking dogs. Our tour (uh, one off show?) manager and I are supposed to go to the venue together. does he want to get some breakfast first? Only jesus knows for sure. Anyway, that's the long and short of what's going on right now. I look forward to seeing everyone tonight. please throw your drugs and panties on the stage (and label the drugs people, I can't stress this enough). Sheeit. Okay, on the real, though, I'm done with this bullshit for today. If you want a real epic tale of excitement, go back and read yesterday's entry. Or go to the second blog I ever did. It's a little series of tips on how to get a beej. I'm going to walk some dogs. do you think in those asian places where they cook dogs that they wok dogs? Like, they say 'hey ma, you want me to wok the dog?' Heh. That's funny. Unless you're a dog in Korea. Then it's scary. Also, I don't know if they use woks in korea. Is this racist? Hmm...I don't think it is. I mean, people eat dogs right? Fuck, whatever. My friend Skylar eats horse. Take that. I just eat balls and my own words on occasion. Oh, man, that reminds me, my friend Lupe told me that the Mexican slang for the taint, or the choad, or grundel, depending on your regional dialect, is the cobra. How cool is that?


Anonymous said...

people do eat dog in the orient. my boss is an old chinese man and one day after coming back frm vacation in china he just went off talking about how they eat dog.i think he was trying to tell me the proper cooking prep of dog, but with his broken english it was hard to understand. anyways that wasn't racist. i think. have a kickass show tonite. let me know when you fellas come out to sothern california.

Sam Tie Blogger said...

Eating cow is just as weird as eating dog. Just sayin..

Wish I could be there tonight. I think The Frankl Project is playing Riotfest as well, they are purdy good. peep em.

Come back to Cincinnati, damnit! DO AS I SAY!

Anonymous said...

Everyone I know says "choad", but I think they got that from Jackass and then I saw them call it "taint" and "twasn't" and such on Mr. Show, so I call it a taint. You should break down the regions and the word for us in your next blog.

And I agree with sam, people act like "oh my god, you eat DOGS?!??!?", but that is only because we are used to dogs as pets and people automatically go to thinking about their own personal pet (like some chinese guy is going to break into your house and steal your Fido specifically). So, basically, all dog owners that wouldn't eat their own dog and are appalled by a chinese person eating dog are actually racist for assuming that chinese people will break into their house. How's that logic?

And are we always going to be treated to a Saturday BSC from now on?

MOG said...

hey sam
I've never had to leave the bar early to take my cow for a walk.

just sayin

Anonymous said...

Oh fuck yeah for tonight

alex icon said...

Well maybe you should be nicer to your cow, Capt. Murdock. It could use some love and attention, too, y'know.

Mikey said...

i'm so insanely jealous of anyone that lives in chicago and gets to go to your show that it is not even the slightest bit funny...

hope it goes well for you though.

DrewYork said...

I am not jealous of anyone who lives in Chicago right now, because although TLA happens to be my favorite band, the D4 record release show with municipal waste and the ergs! last NY show ever is going to be historic!!! anyways, i hope you guys can make it out here soon.

cobras spit mad venom!

Anonymous said...

thanks for playing my favorite song, yo, it was the shit and i wasn't expecting it.

Candice said...

super jealous.

Anonymous said...

Next time your band comes to Boston, make sure you bring some XL shirts. =(

Pete said...

Brendan, I hope you weren't too drunk to notice the man who was blowing kisses to you and offered to suck your dick.
That was me.

Suzanne said...

Pete, you rock.

deanna said...
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deanna said...

knowing people at reckless records and getting into your shows for free is so fucking rad. granted, i was one of the old people standing in the back (i don't want my glasses getting smashed!) i had a lot of fun. thank you for finally playing turnstiles. and stu the sound guy is hot. just sayin'.

also: yes, people eat dogs. and no it's not racist. it's the truth. they eat what they can get their hands on and there's nothing wrong with that. we all need to take tips from these people and change our minds about our ways of obtaining food and what 'edible' is. i'd eat the shit out of some dog/cat/other if it was prepared well. PETA and vegans be damned!!!

Anonymous said...