Saturday, October 4, 2008


That's right, I'm breaking the rules and writing something on Saturday. I'm about to go to my mom's house for breakfast, and I was just struck by something so odd that I couldn't let it pass. In this Bad Sandwich world I've said some fucked up things. I've called Jesus a rich kid fool and I've called god a dick and I suggested that because Barack Obama is black that he may pardon OJ simpson and put him in his cabinet. I've made fun of retarded people and babies and sometimes both in the same breath. However, nothing has drawn ire like me making a very simple joke based on the phoenetics of a name. I know Bruce Springsteen isn't jewish you fucking anti semetic turds! Fucking relax. Jesus. it WAS A JOKE. And, if the aggressiveness of the response can be used as a barometer, it was apparently a pretty good one. It was Rosh Hashanah, and I thought it was a good gag...fuck. You Springsteen loving schlongs have no sense of anything. To restate my case, Springsteen is not that rockin. To add to it, his fans clearly hate jews. Bye.


James said...

C'mon BK even sandler knows springsteen isn't jewish. Whats wrong with you...

J✫sh said...

I don't hate jews....

Civil Danarchy said...

How was breakfast?

Some Young Guy said...

i love jews and hate springstien. stein?

James said...

haha this is almost your best post yet!

Anonymous said...

So, we need to get upset about simple jokes to get weekend postings? You should note I didn't get upset (or even post, my fucking thing continuously told me that my OpenID didn't exist. Can you say "what the fuck?") Glad I checked on a Saturday.

Anonymous said...

so the cubs lost. shocker, eh?

Zac said...

i hate to be grouped with the schlongs (punknews editor included).

anyone who has an almost 40 year career will have a lot of garbage in the repertoire.

like bob and david said, if you're going to write a comedy scene, you're going to have some rat feces in there

Anonymous said...

preach reverend, preach. whoever didnt get that joke is a freakin moron. and the obama/o.j. theory is priceless. on a sidenote my girlfriend of 2 months is a mooch. i like her alot, shes a cool chick but she fuckin bankruptin me. she doesnt have a job and im not even sure if shes looking for one. this is the part where you give me somey crazy introspective advice to make life worth living, sir. if you want to that is. viva los B.S.C.